Saturday, July 31, 2021


BACAAN & RENUNGAN HARI MINGGU BIASA XVIII l 01-08-21-BERSAMA ROMO DINONG O.CARM l For Watching all Video: Hai, sahabat Weread travelling with Jesus, jumpa lagi dan salam sehat...WEREAD_Travelling with Jesus-- OFFICIAL BACAAN LITURGI KATOLIK DAN KISAH ORANG KUDUS-- Youtube: Hadir lagi mempersembahkan Bacaan ALKITAB HARI MINGGU XVIII, 01 Agustus 2021dilengkapi nyanyian Mazmur dan Alleluya serta doa selama Pandemi bersama Paus Fransiskus serta Renungan yang akan dibawakan oleh Romo Dinong O.Carm dari Bedugul-Bali.

Dan demi kemuliaan Bapa hendaknya setiap lidah mengakui bahwa Yesus Kris...

"Dan demi kemuliaan Bapa hendaknya setiap lidah mengakui bahwa Yesus Kristus adalah Tuhan "| WEREAD_TravelingWithJesus | For Watching all Video:
Hai, sahabat Weread travelling with Jesus, jumpa lagi dan salam sehat...WEREAD_Travelling with Jesus-- OFFICIAL BACAAN LITURGI KATOLIK DAN KISAH ORANG KUDUS-- Kami hadir lagi mempersembahkan Bacaan ALKITAB Harian Liturgi Sabtu 31 Juli 2021 dilengkapi Kisah Orang Kudus Santo Yakobus Tua
Pembaca: Ibu Arijani Halim-Kuta, Bali.
Kisah Orang Kudus : Leni Evanila dari PDPKK St Don Bosco Kuta, Bali.
Santo Yakobus Tua Yakobus anak Zebedeus, James the Greater, Santiago, Santiago Matamoros Murid Yesus ini disebut "Yakobus Tua" untuk membedakannya seorang murid Yesus yang lain, yang juga bernama Yakobus (yang adalah saudara Yesus dan penulis Surat Yakobus dalam Perjanjian Baru). Yakobus adalah seorang nelayan, sama seperti ayahnya - Zebedeus - dan saudaranya, Yohanes. Yakobus sedang duduk dalam perahu ayahnya memperbaiki jala ketika Yesus lewat. Yesus memanggil mereka masing-masing, Yakobus dan Yohanes, untuk menjadi penjala manusia, untuk mengikuti-Nya mewartakan Kabar Gembira. Zebedeus menyaksikan kedua puteranya meninggalkan perahu mereka dan mengikuti Yesus. Bersama Petrus dan Yohanes, Yakobus termasuk 3 murid utama Yesus. mereka bertiga, beroleh kesempatan menyaksikan apa-apa yang tidak dapat disaksikan para rasul yang lain. Mereka menyaksikan Yesus membangkitkan anak perempuan Yairus, mereka mendaki gunung dan menyaksikan Yesus bercahaya seperti matahari dengan jubah-Nya berkilau-kilauan. Peristiwa ini disebut Transfigurasi atau Yesus Dipermuliakan. Pada hari Kamis Putih, yaitu malam sebelum Yesus wafat, Yesus membawa para rasul ke taman Getsemani. Dalam Injil Matius dikisahkan bagaimana Yesus meminta 3 murid utamanya ini untuk menyertai-Nya ke tempat yang sunyi untuk berdoa. Mereka menyaksikan bagaimana Wajah Tuhan menjadi pucat karena duka yang amat dalam. Kemudian titik-titik darah mulai menetes dari kening-Nya. Sungguh, saat-saat yang amat memilukan, tetapi para rasul itu sudah terlalu lelah. Mereka tertidur! St.Yakobus lari ketakutan ketika para musuh menangkap Yesus serta membawa-Nya pergi. Dan Yakobus masih "bersembunyi" dan tidak ada di bawah kaki salib pada hari Jumat Agung. Meskipun demikian, Tuhan menemuinya lagi pada sore hari Minggu Paskah di kamar atas. Yesus yang bangkit masuk melalui pintu yang terkunci dan berkata, “Damai sejahtera bagi kamu!” Yakobus dan para rasul yang lain mendapatkan damai yang dijanjikan-Nya itu setelah kedatangan Roh Kudus pada Hari Pentakosta. St. Yakobus memulai kerasulannya sebagai seorang yang suka menurutkan kata hatinya serta berbicara apa adanya. Tanpa sungkan ia meminta Yesus tempat duduk kehormatan dalam kerajaan-Nya. Ia juga pernah meminta Yesus menurunkan api atas desa-desa yang tidak mau menerima Tuhan. Tetapi imannya kepada Yesus sungguh besar. Walaupun tidak tertulis dalam Kisah Para Rasul dan tidak tertulis dalam tulisan gereja kuno, banyak yang mempercayai Yakobus berangkat menuju Spanyol dan menyebarkan ajaran Yesus di sana. Ia mengadakan perjalanan menuju Galicia, Spanyol; Guimarães, Portugal; dan Rates (kini Póvoa de Varzim), Portugal. Di Rates, ia mentahbiskan Santo Petrus dari Rates sebagai uskup pertama di Semenanjung Iberian. Berdasarkan Legenda masyarakat kuno di sana, pada tanggal 2 Januari 40, Santa Maria menampakkan diri kepada Yakobus di tepi sungai Ebro di Caesaraugusta, ketika ia sedang menyebarkan ajaran di Spanyol. Maria secara tiba-tiba muncul di pilar, dan tempat tersebut kini menjadi Basilika Bunda Pilar Kami (Basilica of Our Lady of the Pillar) di Zaragoza. Kemudian, Yakobus kembali ke Yudea, dan di sana ia dieksekusi mati pada tahun 44. Kitab suci menulis : ... pada waktu itu raja Herodes mulai bertindak dengan keras terhadap beberapa orang dari jemaat. Ia menyuruh membunuh Yakobus, saudara Yohanes, dengan pedang... (Kis 12:1-2) Setelah kematiannya, dalam kisah rakyat Spanyol, sosoknya muncul memimpin pasukan Kristen pada Pertempuran Clavijo selama Reconquista. Di Spanyol St.Yakobus dijuluki “matamoros” (Pembasmi Bangsa Moor). Santiago Matamoros!! (“Santo Yakobus Pembasmi bangsa Moor”); Santiago y cierra España ("Santo Yakobus akan bertarung untuk Spanyol") menjadi yel-yel pekikan perang tentara Spanyol selama berabad-abad.
(Sumber dan Credit: Leni Avenila-Bali)

Friday, July 30, 2021

WEREAD_Official Daily Readings, Saint's, FT JOY | Saturday 31-07-21| Dar...

Dare To Fight For Justice In The Midst Of An Unfair World | Official Daily Readings, Saint Story, Formation Teaching JOY Part 4 | 31-07-21 l Saturday XVII in Ordinary Time | For Watching all Video: Hello everyone, we are back again to read the Daily Bible Reading according to the Catholic Liturgical Calendar on Saturday of XVII ,Week in Ordinary Time & Saint's story then reflection about 'JOY' Part 4 by Sister Kate Atkins, MGL -EMOTIONS SERIES - Formation Teaching  with International DOJCC Community. Reader: Jessica

Saint Ignatius of Loyola’s Story

The founder of the Jesuits was on his way to military fame and fortune when a cannon ball shattered his leg. Because there were no books of romance on hand during his convalescence, Ignatius whiled away the time reading a life of Christ and lives of the saints. His conscience was deeply touched, and a long, painful turning to Christ began. Having seen the Mother of God in a vision, he made a pilgrimage to her shrine at Montserrat near Barcelona. He remained for almost a year at nearby Manresa, sometimes with the Dominicans, sometimes in a pauper’s hospice, often in a cave in the hills praying. After a period of great peace of mind, he went through a harrowing trial of scruples. There was no comfort in anything—prayer, fasting, sacraments, penance. At length, his peace of mind returned.

It was during this year of conversion that Ignatius began to write down material that later became his greatest work, the Spiritual Exercises.

He finally achieved his purpose of going to the Holy Land, but could not remain, as he planned, because of the hostility of the Turks. Ignatius spent the next 11 years in various European universities, studying with great difficulty, beginning almost as a child. Like many others, his orthodoxy was questioned; Ignatius was twice jailed for brief periods.

In 1534, at the age of 43, he and six others—one of whom was Saint Francis Xavier—vowed to live in poverty and chastity and to go to the Holy Land. If this became impossible, they vowed to offer themselves to the apostolic service of the pope. The latter became the only choice. Four years later Ignatius made the association permanent. The new Society of Jesus was approved by Pope Paul III, and Ignatius was elected to serve as the first general.

When companions were sent on various missions by the pope, Ignatius remained in Rome, consolidating the new venture, but still finding time to found homes for orphans, catechumens, and penitents. He founded the Roman College, intended to be the model of all other colleges of the Society.

Ignatius was a true mystic. He centered his spiritual life on the essential foundations of Christianity—the Trinity, Christ, the Eucharist. His spirituality is expressed in the Jesuit motto, Ad majorem Dei gloriam—“for the greater glory of God.” In his concept, obedience was to be the prominent virtue, to assure the effectiveness and mobility of his men. All activity was to be guided by a true love of the Church and unconditional obedience to the Holy Father, for which reason all professed members took a fourth vow to go wherever the pope should send them for the salvation of souls.


Luther nailed his theses to the church door at Wittenberg in 1517. Seventeen years later, Ignatius of Loyola founded the Society that was to play so prominent a part in the Catholic Reformation. He was an implacable foe of Protestantism. Yet the seeds of ecumenism may be found in his words: “Great care must be taken to show forth orthodox truth in such a way that if any heretics happen to be present they may have an example of charity and Christian moderation. No hard words should be used nor any sort of contempt for their errors be shown.” One of the greatest ecumenists was the 20th-century German Jesuit, Cardinal Augustin Bea.

Saint Ignatius of Loyola is the Patron Saint of:


(source and Credit:



Memorial of Saint Ignatius of Loyola, Priest

Lectionary: 406

Reading I

The LORD said to Moses on Mount Sinai,
“Seven weeks of years shall you count–seven times seven years–
so that the seven cycles amount to forty-nine years.
Then, on the tenth day of the seventh month, let the trumpet resound;
on this, the Day of Atonement, the trumpet blast shall re-echo
throughout your land.
This fiftieth year you shall make sacred
by proclaiming liberty in the land for all its inhabitants.
It shall be a jubilee for you,
when every one of you shall return to his own property,
every one to his own family estate.
In this fiftieth year, your year of jubilee,
you shall not sow, nor shall you reap the aftergrowth
or pick the grapes from the untrimmed vines.
Since this is the jubilee, which shall be sacred for you,
you may not eat of its produce,
except as taken directly from the field.

“In this year of jubilee, then,
every one of you shall return to his own property.
Therefore, when you sell any land to your neighbor
or buy any from him, do not deal unfairly.
On the basis of the number of years since the last jubilee
shall you purchase the land from your neighbor;
and so also, on the basis of the number of years for crops,
shall he sell it to you.
When the years are many, the price shall be so much the more;
when the years are few, the price shall be so much the less.
For it is really the number of crops that he sells you.
Do not deal unfairly, then; but stand in fear of your God.
I, the LORD, am your God.”

Responsorial Psalm

R.     (4)  O God, let all the nations praise you!
May God have pity on us and bless us;
    may he let his face shine upon us.
So may your way be known upon earth;
    among all nations, your salvation.
R.    O God, let all the nations praise you!
May the nations be glad and exult
    because you rule the peoples in equity;
    the nations on the earth you guide.
R.    O God, let all the nations praise you!
The earth has yielded its fruits;
    God, our God, has blessed us.
May God bless us,
    and may all the ends of the earth fear him!
R.    O God, let all the nations praise you!


R. Alleluia, alleluia.
Blessed are they who are persecuted for the sake of righteousness
for theirs is the Kingdom of heaven.
R. Alleluia, alleluia.

Herod the tetrarch heard of the reputation of Jesus
and said to his servants, “This man is John the Baptist.
He has been raised from the dead;
that is why mighty powers are at work in him.”

Now Herod had arrested John, bound him, and put him in prison
on account of Herodias, the wife of his brother Philip,
for John had said to him,
“It is not lawful for you to have her.”
Although he wanted to kill him, he feared the people,
for they regarded him as a prophet.
But at a birthday celebration for Herod,
the daughter of Herodias performed a dance before the guests
and delighted Herod so much
that he swore to give her whatever she might ask for.
Prompted by her mother, she said,
“Give me here on a platter the head of John the Baptist.”
The king was distressed, 
but because of his oaths and the guests who were present,
he ordered that it be given, and he had John beheaded in the prison.
His head was brought in on a platter and given to the girl,
who took it to her mother.
His disciples came and took away the corpse
and buried him; and they went and told Jesus.

(Source of and Credit: by: Jessica))

Thursday, July 29, 2021

WEREAD_Official Daily Readings, Saint's, FT JOY |Thursday 29-07-21| In T...

WEREAD_Official Daily Readings, Saint Story, FT JOY Part 2 | Thursday 29-07-21| In The End, The Good And The Bad Will Be Separated By God : For All Videos: WEREAD_Official Daily Readings-Saint story-Formation Teaching with International DOJCC 'JOY’ Series.July 29, 2021 - Thursday XVII in Ordinary Time Hello everyone, we are back again to read the Daily Bible Reading according to the Catholic Liturgical Calendar on Thursday of XVII Week in Ordinary Time & Saint's story then reflection about 'JOY' Part 2 by Sister Kate Atkins, MGL -EMOTIONS SERIES - Formation Teaching  with International DOJCC Community. Reader: Maria Frances - Filipina Reader Story of Saint: Leni - Bali Formation Teaching: Sister Kate Atkins, MGL- From DOJCC Canberra.

Wednesday, July 28, 2021


OFFICIAL BACAAN LITURGI-KISAH ORANG KUDUS-RENUNGAN KATOLIK : MARILAH KITA SALING MENGASIHI KARENA KASIH BERASAL DARI ALLAH l WEREAD OFFICIAL BACAAN LIT l dengan Kisah ORANG KUDUS-Santa Marta-Maria-Lazarus sahabat YESUS. Hai, sahabat Weread travelling with Jesus, jumpa lagi dan salam sehat... WEREAD_Travelling with Jesus-- Teman Baca Alkitab Bagi Anda-- Youtube: Hadir lagi mempersembahkan Bacaan Harian Liturgi, dilengkapi Kisah Orang Kudus. Pembaca: Ibu Imelda Manek - Atambua Kisah Orang Kudus : Ibu Angela Marsh, Denpasar-Bali.

Tuesday, July 27, 2021

WEREAD_Official Daily Readings, Saint's, FT JOY | Wednesday 28-07-21| Fi...

WEREAD_Official Daily Readings, Saint Story, FT JOY Part 1 | Wednesday 28-07-21| Fight for Something for The Kingdom of Heaven Not The Kingdom of The World | WEREAD_Official Daily Readings-Saint story-Formation Teaching with International DOJCC ‘JOY’ Series. July 28, 2021 - Wednesday XVII in Ordinary Time Hello everyone, we are back again to read the Daily Bible Reading according to the Catholic Liturgical Calendar on Wednesday of XVII ,Week in Ordinary Time & Saint's story then reflection about 'JOY' Part 1 by Sister Kate Atkins, MGL -EMOTIONS SERIES - Formation Teaching  with International DOJCC Community.

Saint of the Day for July 28

Blessed Stanley Rother's Story

On May 25, 1963, Stanley Rother, a farmer's son from Okarche, Oklahoma, was ordained for his home diocese of Oklahoma City-Tulsa. Having flunked out of the area seminary due to his difficulty with Latin, Fr. Rother finally accepted an invitation to attend Mount St. Mary Seminary in Maryland, where he finished his studies and was approved for ordination.

After serving in his local diocese for five years, Fr. Rother joined five priests, three religious sisters, and three laypersons to staff a Guatemalan mission in Santiago Atitlán serving the Tz'utujil people. The Oklahoma City diocese heard the call of Pope John XXIII to send missionaries to foreign lands, especially Central America. These twelve individuals felt the call, and with their bishop’s approval, left the comforts of the United States to live and work in Guatemala.

By 1975, Fr. Rother was alone at his parish in Santiago Atitlán, the others having returned home for various reasons. He served the Tz'utujil people for 13 years and won their hearts and souls. Ever the farmer, and always unpretentious and mild mannered, Fr. Rother experimented with various crops as well as fulfilling his heavy pastoral duties which included as many as five Masses in four different locations on a given Sunday and as many as 1,000 baptisms a year.

Guatemala’s civil war reached the highlands and Lake Atitlán by 1980. Government troops camped on the parish farm and Fr. Rother witnessed the assassination of a number of his parishioners, including the parish deacon.

Warned of imminent danger, Fr. Rother returned to the United States for three months early in 1981, to visit with his family and friends. Against the advice of his family and the local bishop, Fr. Rother returned to Atitlán to be with his people. He remembered a Sisters' community who had fled the country and later tried to return but the people asked, “Where were you when we needed you?”

On the evening of July 28, three masked men entered the rectory and shot Fr. Rother to death. His beloved parishioners mourned him repeatedly crying, “They have killed our priest.”

Pope Francis declared Stanley Rother a martyr on December 2, 2016. He was beatified in Oklahoma City on September 23, 2017.


The declaration of a blessed or saint is always a celebration of the Church as the people of God. To single out an individual for his or her holiness and service builds up the entire community of faith. But this is doubly true for the Church in the United States and in Oklahoma, as one of our own is both declared a martyr for the faith and enrolled in the ranks of those declared Blessed by the Church. May the dedication, faith, and service of Blessed Stanley Rother be a source of strength for all in this country.  (Source and Credit: Sitanggang).


JULY 28, 2021

Wednesday of the Seventeenth Week in Ordinary Time

Lectionary: 403

Reading I

As Moses came down from Mount Sinai
with the two tablets of the commandments in his hands,
he did not know that the skin of his face had become radiant
while he conversed with the LORD.
When Aaron, then, and the other children of Israel saw Moses
and noticed how radiant the skin of his face had become,
they were afraid to come near him.
Only after Moses called to them did Aaron
and all the rulers of the community come back to him.
Moses then spoke to them.
Later on, all the children of Israel came up to him,
and he enjoined on them all that the LORD
had told him on Mount Sinai.
When he finished speaking with them,
he put a veil over his face.
Whenever Moses entered the presence of the LORD to converse with him,
he removed the veil until he came out again.
On coming out, he would tell the children of Israel
all that had been commanded.
Then the children of Israel would see
that the skin of Moses’ face was radiant;
so he would again put the veil over his face
until he went in to converse with the LORD.

Responsorial Psalm

R.     (see 9c)  Holy is the Lord our God.
Extol the LORD, our God,
    and worship at his footstool;
    holy is he!
R.     Holy is the Lord our God.
Moses and Aaron were among his priests,
    and Samuel, among those who called upon his name;
    they called upon the LORD, and he answered them.
R.     Holy is the Lord our God.
From the pillar of cloud he spoke to them;
    they heard his decrees and the law he gave them.
R.     Holy is the Lord our God.
Extol the LORD, our God,
    and worship at his holy mountain;
    for holy is the LORD, our God.
R.     Holy is the Lord our God.


R. Alleluia, alleluia.
I call you my friends, says the Lord,
for I have made known to you all that the Father has told me.
R. Alleluia, alleluia.

Jesus said to his disciples:
“The Kingdom of heaven is like a treasure buried in a field,
which a person finds and hides again,
and out of joy goes and sells all that he has and buys that field.
Again, the Kingdom of heaven is like a merchant
searching for fine pearls.
When he finds a pearl of great price,
he goes and sells all that he has and buys it.”

(Source of and Credit to: by Albert-Bali)

INJIL adalah KABAR SUKACITA bukan KABAR HARUS | Official Bacaan Lit-Kisa...

"INJIL adalah KABAR SUKACITA bukan KABAR HARUS" | Official Bacaan Liturgi-Kisah ORKUD-Renungan l RABU, 28-07-21: Hai, sahabat Weread travelling with Jesus, jumpa lagi dan salam sehat... WEREAD_Travelling with Jesus-- OFFICIAL BACAAN LITURGI-- Youtube: Hadir lagi mempersembahkan Bacaan ALKITAB Harian Liturgi, dilengkapi Kisah Orang Kudus dan Renungan kali ini oleh Romo HANS WIJAYA (RP. Yohanes Handriyanto Wijaya)..


SEPERTI TINGGINYA LANGIT dan BUMI; DEMIKIAN BESARNYA KASIH SETIA TUHAN. Mzm 103:11 l WEREAD OFFICIAL BACAAN LITURGI-KISAH ORANG KUDUS L SELASA, 27-7-21 : Hai, sahabat Weread travelling with Jesus, jumpa lagi dan salam sehat... WEREAD_Travelling with Jesus-- Teman Baca Alkitab Bagi Anda-- Youtube: Hadir lagi mempersembahkan Bacaan Harian Liturgi, dilengkapi Kisah Orang Kudus santo Pantaleon. Pembaca: Sandra Ditha Rini, Kuta-Bali. Kisah Orang Kudus : Sandra Ditha Rini, Kuta-Bali.

Monday, July 26, 2021

WEREAD_Official Daily Readings, Saint's, FT FEAR| Tuesday 27-07-21|Where...

Where We Have Good Things, There Are Always Bad Things That Bother Us | WEREAD Official Daily Readings, Saint Story, FT FEAR Part 6| Tuesday 27-07-21;

All video:

Hello everyone, we are back again to read the Daily Bible Reading according 
to the Catholic Liturgical Calendar on Tuesday of XVII ,Week in Ordinary Time & Saint's story then reflection about 'FEAR' Part 6 by Sister Judy Bowe, MGL -EMOTIONS SERIES - Formation Teaching  with International DOJCC Community.

Reader: Adri & Putri Deonesia
Reader Story of Saint: Putri Deonesia
Formation Teaching: Sister Judy Bowe, MGL- From DOJCC Canberra.

WEREAD_Official Daily Readings, Saint's, FT FEAR | Monday 26-07-21| Humb...

WEREAD_Official Daily Readings, Saint Story, FT FEAR Part 5 | Monday 26-07-21| Humble In Seeing and Listening: WEREAD_Official Daily Readings-Saint story-Formation Teaching with International DOJCC ‘FEAR’ Series. July 26, 2021 - Monday XVII in Ordinary Time . All Video: Hello everyone, we are back again to read the Daily Bible Reading according to the Catholic Liturgical Calendar on Monday of XVII Week in Ordinary Time & Saint's story then reflection about 'FEAR' Part 5 by Sister Judy Bowe, MGL -EMOTIONS SERIES - Formation Teaching  with International DOJCC Community. Reader: Elis Gunawan and Christabel - Los Angeles, California Reader Story of Saint: Mr. John and Mrs. Helen - Solo Formation Teaching: Sister Judy Bowe, MGL- From DOJCC Canberra.

Sunday, July 25, 2021


WEREAD_Travelling with Jesus-- Teman Baca Alkitab Bagi Anda--

Saturday, July 24, 2021


DIO, DIO DELLA MISERICORDIA l WEREAD_(Official) DOMENICA LETURA_ 18 LUGLIO 2021 Messa del Giorno XVI DOMENICA DEL TEMPO ORDINARIO – ANNO B: Opening & Closing : Suor Fransiska n Simona Fillipi Lettora: Suor Fransisca - Napples Salmista: Imma Gonzales, Bali-Indonesia Opening : Simona Fillipi - Cardiff-UK Closing: Suor Fransiska Napples - Italy.

Friday, July 23, 2021

Berserulah kepada- Ku pada waktu kesesakan, maka aku akan meluputkan dik...

Berserulah kepada- Ku pada waktu kesesakan, maka aku akan meluputkan dikaul WEREAD Official Bacaan Liturgi dan Kisah Orang Kudus l Sabtu, 24 Juli 202: Hai, sahabat WEREAD Travelling With Jesus, jumpa lagi dan salam sehat... WEREAD_Travelling with Jesus-- Teman Baca Alkitab Bagi Anda-- Youtube: Hadir lagi mempersembahkan Bacaan Harian Liturgi, dilengkapi Kisah Orang Kudus. Pembaca: Ibu Arijani Halim-Kuta, Bali. Kisah Orang Kudus : Ibu Arijani Halim-Kuta, Bali. Salam Pembuka : Leni Evanila - Kuta, Bali

WEREAD_Official Daily Readings, Saint's| FT FEAR |Friday, 23-07-21| List...

WEREAD_Official Daily Readings, Saint Story, FT FEAR Part 3 | Friday, 23-07-21| Listen and Understand God's Word Well, Then We Will Bear Fruit and Grow: WEREAD_Official Daily Readings-Saint story-Formation Teaching with International DOJCC ‘FEAR’ Series. July 23, 2021 - Friday XVI in Ordinary Time Hello everyone, we are back again to read the Daily Bible Reading according to the Catholic Liturgical Calendar on Friday of XVI Week in Ordinary Time & Saint's story then reflection about 'FEAR' Part 3 by Sister Judy Bowe, MGL -EMOTIONS SERIES - Formation Teaching  with International DOJCC Community. Reader: Mrs. Helen & Mr. John - Solo Reader Story of Saint: Elis Gunawan - Los Angeles Formation Teaching: Sister Judy Bowe, MGL- From DOJCC Canberra.


"BERBAHAGIALAH YANG MENGAMALKAN SABDA ALLAH DALAM HIDUPNYA" | Official BACAAN LITURGI-Kisah ORKUD-Renungan: Hai, sahabat Weread travelling with Jesus, jumpa lagi dan salam sehat... WEREAD_Travelling with Jesus-- Teman Baca Alkitab Bagi Anda-- Youtube: Hadir lagi mempersembahkan Bacaan Harian Liturgi, dilengkapi Kisah Orang Kudus Santo Ignatius Loyola dan Santa Brigitta_Biarawati dan Doa di Masa Pandemi bersama Paus Fransiskus.. PEMBAWA RENUNGAN: Christ Agustinus -Koord. DOJCC BALI Pembaca: Ibu ARIJANI HALIM- Kuta, BALI

Thursday, July 22, 2021


MENJADI TEMPAT YANG SUBUR l WEREAD OFFICIAL Bacaan Liturgi, Kisah ORKUD, Renungan l Rabu, 21-07-21: Hai, sahabat Weread travelling with Jesus, jumpa lagi dan salam sehat... WEREAD_Travelling with Jesus-- Teman Baca Alkitab Bagi Anda-- Youtube: Hadir lagi mempersembahkan Bacaan Harian Liturgi, dilengkapi Kisah Orang Kudus dan Renungan. Pembawa Renungan: Lucy Maria - Kordinator Doa Syafaat PDKK St don Bosco Kuta, Bali. Pembaca: ibu Santi Oe-Denpasar, Bali. Kisah Orang Kudus : Eka Mayo-Jakarta.
Doa selama Pandemi bersama paus Fransiskus.

Wednesday, July 21, 2021

WEREAD_Official Daily Readings, Saint's, FT FEAR | Wednesday 21-07-21| I...

WEREAD_Official Daily Readings, Saint Story, FT FEAR Part 1  | Wednesday 21-07-21| If You Can't Hear God's Voice, See The Sign Of His Miracle : WEREAD_Official Daily Readings-Saint story-Formation Teaching with International DOJCC ‘FEAR’ Series. July 21, 2021 - Wednesday XVI in Ordinary Time Hello everyone, we are back again to read the Daily Bible Reading according to the Catholic Liturgical Calendar on Wednesday of XVI Week in Ordinary Time & Saint's story then reflection about 'FEAR' Part 1 by Sister Judy Bowe, MGL -EMOTIONS SERIES - Formation Teaching  with International DOJCC Community. Reader: Chesca - Filipina Reader Story of Saint: Karla - Denpasar Bali Formation Teaching: Sister Judy Bowe, MGL- From DOJCC Canberra.

Monday, July 19, 2021


JANGAN TAKUT-PERHATIKAN KESELAMATAN DARI TUHAN l WEREAD OFFICIAL Bacaan Liturgi & Kisah ORKUD | Senin, 19-07-21: Hai, sahabat Weread travelling with Jesus, jumpa lagi dan salam sehat... WEREAD_Travelling with Jesus-- Teman Baca Alkitab Bagi Anda-- Youtube: Hadir lagi mempersembahkan Bacaan Harian Liturgi, dilengkapi Kisah Orang Kudus.