Tuesday, July 13, 2021


"BERTOBATLAH SEBELUM HARI PENGHAKIMAN" | Official BCH-Kisah ORKUD-Renungan l Selasa, 13-07-21 Hai, sahabat Weread travelling with Jesus, jumpa lagi dan salam sehat... WEREAD_Travelling with Jesus-- Teman Baca Alkitab Bagi Anda-- Youtube: https://youtube.com/c/WEREADTravellin... Hadir lagi mempersembahkan Bacaan Harian Liturgi, dilengkapi Kisah Orang Kudus yaitu Santo Heindrich II Bagi sahabat we read yang ingin membagikan kisahnya lewat video, audio atau tulisan, dapat mengirimkannya ke email kami wereadtravellingwithjesus@gmail.com dan akan kami muat disalah satu video kami selanjutnya sebagai kesaksian. Terima kasih

Monday, July 12, 2021

Our Help Is In The Name Of The LORD | WEREAD_Official Daily Readings, Sa...

WEREAD_Official Daily Readings, Saint Story, Formation Teaching LOVE Part 1 | Monday 12-07-21 | Our Help Is In The Name Of The LORD; https://youtu.be/EzdXZR6YgOQ Who created Heaven and Earth Hello everyone, we are back again to read the Daily Bible Reading according to the Catholic Liturgical Calendar on Monday of XV Week in Ordinary Time & Saint's story then reflection about 'LOVE' (part 1) by Anthony Ringrose- Voase- EMOTIONS SERIES - Formation Teaching with International DOJCC Community. Reader: Bobby Marsh - Bali Reader Story of Saint: Vina Setiawan Formation Teaching: Anthony Ringrose- Voase

Saint Benedict's Story

It is unfortunate that no contemporary biography was written of a man who has exercised the greatest influence on monasticism in the West. Benedict is well recognized in the later Dialogues of Saint Gregory, but these are sketches to illustrate miraculous elements of his career.

Benedict was born into a distinguished family in central Italy, studied at Rome, and early in life was drawn to monasticism. At first he became a hermit, leaving a depressing world—pagan armies on the march, the Church torn by schism, people suffering from war, morality at a low ebb.

He soon realized that he could not live a hidden life in a small town any better than in a large city, so he withdrew to a cave high in the mountains for three years. Some monks chose Benedict as their leader for a while, but found his strictness not to their taste. Still the shift from hermit to community life had begun for him. He had an idea of gathering various families of monks into one “Grand Monastery” to give them the benefit of unity, fraternity, and permanent worship in one house. Finally he began to build what was to become one of the most famous monasteries in the world—Monte Cassino, commanding three narrow valleys running toward the mountains north of Naples.

The Rule that gradually developed prescribed a life of liturgical prayer, study, manual labor, and living together in community under a common abbot. Benedictine asceticism is known for its moderation, and Benedictine charity has always shown concern for the people in the surrounding countryside. In the course of the Middle Ages, all monasticism in the West was gradually brought under the Rule of St. Benedict.

Today the Benedictine family is represented by two branches: the Benedictine Federation encompassing the men and women of the Order of St. Benedict; and the Cistercians, men and women of the Order of Cistercians of the Strict Observance.


The Church has been blessed through Benedictine devotion to the liturgy, not only in its actual celebration with rich and proper ceremony in the great abbeys, but also through the scholarly studies of many of its members. Liturgy is sometimes confused with guitars or choirs, Latin or Bach. We should be grateful to those who both preserve and adapt the genuine tradition of worship in the Church.

Monday of the Fifteenth Week in Ordinary Time

Lectionary: 389

Reading I

A new king, who knew nothing of Joseph, came to power in Egypt.
He said to his subjects, “Look how numerous and powerful
the people of the children of Israel are growing, more so than we ourselves!
Come, let us deal shrewdly with them to stop their increase;
otherwise, in time of war they too may join our enemies
to fight against us, and so leave our country.”

Accordingly, taskmasters were set over the children of Israel
to oppress them with forced labor.
Thus they had to build for Pharaoh
the supply cities of Pithom and Raamses.
Yet the more they were oppressed,
the more they multiplied and spread.
The Egyptians, then, dreaded the children of Israel
and reduced them to cruel slavery,
making life bitter for them with hard work in mortar and brick
and all kinds of field work—the whole cruel fate of slaves.

Pharaoh then commanded all his subjects,
“Throw into the river every boy that is born to the Hebrews,
but you may let all the girls live.”

Responsorial Psalm

R.    (8a)  Our help is in the name of the Lord.
Had not the LORD been with us–
    let Israel say, had not the LORD been with us–
When men rose up against us,
    then would they have swallowed us alive,
When their fury was inflamed against us. 
R.    Our help is in the name of the Lord.
Then would the waters have overwhelmed us;
The torrent would have swept over us;
    over us then would have swept 
    the raging waters.
Blessed be the LORD, who did not leave us
    a prey to their teeth. 
R.    Our help is in the name of the Lord.
We were rescued like a bird 
    from the fowlers’ snare;
Broken was the snare, 
    and we were freed.
Our help is in the name of the LORD,
    who made heaven and earth.
R.    Our help is in the name of the Lord.


R. Alleluia, alleluia.
Blessed are they who are persecuted for the sake of righteousness,
for theirs is the Kingdom of heaven.
R. Alleluia, alleluia.

Jesus said to his Apostles:
“Do not think that I have come to bring peace upon the earth.
I have come to bring not peace but the sword.
For I have come to set
    a man against his father,
        a daughter against her mother,
    and a daughter-in-law against her mother-in-law;
        and one’s enemies will be those of his household.

“Whoever loves father or mother more than me is not worthy of me,
and whoever loves son or daughter more than me is not worthy of me;
and whoever does not take up his cross
and follow after me is not worthy of me.
Whoever finds his life will lose it,
and whoever loses his life for my sake will find it.

“Whoever receives you receives me,
and whoever receives me receives the one who sent me.
Whoever receives a prophet because he is a prophet
will receive a prophet’s reward,
and whoever receives a righteous man
because he is righteous 
will receive a righteous man’s reward.
And whoever gives only a cup of cold water
to one of these little ones to drink
because he is a disciple–
amen, I say to you, he will surely not lose his reward.”

When Jesus finished giving these commands to his Twelve disciples,
he went away from that place to teach and to preach in their towns.


"PERTOLONGAN KITA DALAM NAMA TUHAN YANG MENJADIKAN LANGIT DAN BUMI" | Official BCH-Kisah ORKUD-Renungan l Senin, 12-07-21: https://youtu.be/PVrC8L_8tck Hai, sahabat Weread travelling with Jesus, jumpa lagi dan salam sehat... WEREAD_Travelling with Jesus-- Teman Baca Alkitab Bagi Anda-- Youtube: https://youtube.com/c/WEREADTravellin... Hadir lagi mempersembahkan Bacaan Harian Liturgi, dilengkapi Kisah Orang Kudus tentang Santo Benediktus. Bagi sahabat we read yang ingin berbagi pengalamannya, bisa dalam bentuk video, audio, atau tulisan lalu dapat mengirimkan ke email kami di wereadtravellingwithjesus@gmail.com, dan akan kami posting di video selanjutnya sebagai kesaksian.

Saturday, July 10, 2021


DIUTUS BERDUA-DUA l WEREAD (Official) BACAAN LENGKAP & RENUNGAN | MINGGU, 11-07-21 : https://youtu.be/ZuNjpd4u_rY Hai, sahabat Weread travelling with Jesus, jumpa lagi dan salam sehat...
Kami hadir lagi, menemani Anda dengan Bacaan Alkitab hari ini, Yang sesuai dengan Kalender Liturgi Katolik; Sekaligus menjawab Pertanyaan, 'Gimana sih Baca Alkitab sesuai aturan Kalender Liturgi Katolik?" Special hari Minggu, ada nyanyian Mazmur dan Alleluya dari anak-anak Binaan GSA pak Andreas; dan Pembawa Renungan Pater Paul Halek Bere SSCC di Roma.
Selamat mendengarkan /menonton; Semoga membawa berkat dan sukacita. kumpulan Video: https://www.youtube.com/c/WEREADTravellingwithJesus


WEREAD_(Official) DOMENICA LETURA_ 11 LUGLIO 2021 Messa del Giorno XV DOMENICA DEL TEMPO ORDINARIO – ANNO B l "MANDATO DUE A DUE": https://youtu.be/bz3ZslpZwcA Opening & Closing : Suor Fransiska n Simona Fillipi Lecttora: Andrea-Simona. Cardiff UK. LA Vangelo: : Padre John Laba SDB-Salesian Community Tiga Raksa Tangerang-Indonesia. Solimita: Puji Lestari-Indonesia

Prima Lettura

Va', profetizza al mio popolo.

Dal libro del profeta Amos
Am 7,12-15
In quei giorni, Amasìa, [sacerdote di Betel,] disse ad Amos: «Vattene, veggente, ritìrati nella terra di Giuda; là mangerai il tuo pane e là potrai profetizzare, ma a Betel non profetizzare più, perché questo è il santuario del re ed è il tempio del regno».
Amos rispose ad Amasìa e disse:
«Non ero profeta né figlio di profeta;
ero un mandriano e coltivavo piante di sicomòro.
Il Signore mi prese,
mi chiamò mentre seguivo il gregge.
Il Signore mi disse:
Va', profetizza al mio popolo Israele».

Parola di Dio.

Salmo Responsoriale

Dal Sal 84 (85)

R. Mostraci, Signore, la tua misericordia.

Ascolterò che cosa dice Dio, il Signore:
egli annuncia la pace
per il suo popolo, per i suoi fedeli.
Sì, la sua salvezza è vicina a chi lo teme,
perché la sua gloria abiti la nostra terra. R.
Amore e verità s'incontreranno,
giustizia e pace si baceranno.
Verità germoglierà dalla terra
e giustizia si affaccerà dal cielo. R.
Certo, il Signore donerà il suo bene
e la nostra terra darà il suo frutto;
giustizia camminerà davanti a lui:
i suoi passi tracceranno il cammino. R.

Seconda Lettura

In lui ci ha scelti prima della creazione del mondo.Dalla lettera di san Paolo apostolo agli Efesìni
Ef 1,3-14
Benedetto Dio, Padre del Signore nostro Gesù Cristo,
che ci ha benedetti con ogni benedizione spirituale nei cieli in Cristo.
In lui ci ha scelti prima della creazione del mondo
per essere santi e immacolati di fronte a lui nella carità,
predestinandoci a essere per lui figli adottivi
mediante Gesù Cristo,
secondo il disegno d'amore della sua volontà,
a lode dello splendore della sua grazia,
di cui ci ha gratificati nel Figlio amato.
In lui, mediante il suo sangue,
abbiamo la redenzione, il perdono delle colpe,
secondo la ricchezza della sua grazia.
Egli l'ha riversata in abbondanza su di noi
con ogni sapienza e intelligenza,
facendoci conoscere il mistero della sua volontà,
secondo la benevolenza che in lui si era proposto
per il governo della pienezza dei tempi:
ricondurre al Cristo, unico capo, tutte le cose,
quelle nei cieli e quelle sulla terra.
In lui siamo stati fatti anche eredi,
predestinati - secondo il progetto di colui
che tutto opera secondo la sua volontà -
a essere lode della sua gloria,
noi, che già prima abbiamo sperato nel Cristo.
In lui anche voi,
dopo avere ascoltato la parola della verità,
il Vangelo della vostra salvezza,
e avere in esso creduto,
avete ricevuto il sigillo dello Spirito Santo che era stato promesso,
il quale è caparra della nostra eredità,
in attesa della completa redenzione
di coloro che Dio si è acquistato a lode della sua gloria.
Parola di Dio.
Forma breve:
Dalla lettera di san Paolo apostolo agli Efesìni
Ef 1,3-10
Benedetto Dio, Padre del Signore nostro Gesù Cristo,
che ci ha benedetti con ogni benedizione spirituale nei cieli in Cristo.
In lui ci ha scelti prima della creazione del mondo
per essere santi e immacolati di fronte a lui nella carità,
predestinandoci a essere per lui figli adottivi
mediante Gesù Cristo,
secondo il disegno d'amore della sua volontà,
a lode dello splendore della sua grazia,
di cui ci ha gratificati nel Figlio amato.
In lui, mediante il suo sangue,
abbiamo la redenzione, il perdono delle colpe,
secondo la ricchezza della sua grazia.
Egli l'ha riversata in abbondanza su di noi
con ogni sapienza e intelligenza,
facendoci conoscere il mistero della sua volontà,
secondo la benevolenza che in lui si era proposto
per il governo della pienezza dei tempi:
ricondurre al Cristo, unico capo, tutte le cose,
quelle nei cieli e quelle sulla terra.

Parola di Dio.

Acclamazione al Vangelo

Alleluia, alleluia.

Il padre del Signore nostro Gesù Cristo
illumini gli occhi del nostro cuore per farci comprendere
a quale speranza ci ha chiamati. (Cf. Ef 1,17-18)



Prese a mandarli.

Dal Vangelo secondo Marco
Mc 6,7-13
In quel tempo, Gesù chiamò a sé i Dodici e prese a mandarli a due a due e dava loro potere sugli spiriti impuri. E ordinò loro di non prendere per il viaggio nient'altro che un bastone: né pane, né sacca, né denaro nella cintura; ma di calzare sandali e di non portare due tuniche.
E diceva loro: «Dovunque entriate in una casa, rimanetevi finché non sarete partiti di lì. Se in qualche luogo non vi accogliessero e non vi ascoltassero, andatevene e scuotete la polvere sotto i vostri piedi come testimonianza per loro».
Ed essi, partiti, proclamarono che la gente si convertisse, scacciavano molti demòni, ungevano con olio molti infermi e li guarivano.

Parola del Signore.

Source of: https://www.chiesacattolica.it/
Reader by: Andrea-Simona, Cardiff-UK
Salmita : Puji Lestari - Jember, Indonesia
La Vangelo: Padre John Laba SDB - Salesian don Bosco Community-Tangerang



WEREAD Official BCH-Kisah Orkud | Sabtu, 10-07-21 | JANGAN TAKUT MEWARTAKAN KERAJAAN ALLAH : https://youtu.be/ivJ5eV8T4P0 Hai, sahabat Weread travelling with Jesus, jumpa lagi dan salam sehat... Kami hadir lagi, menemani Anda dengan Bacaan Alkitab hari ini, Yang sesuai dengan Kalender Liturgi Katolik; Sekaligus menjawab Pertanyaan, 'Gimana sih Baca Alkitab sesuai aturan Kalender Liturgi Katolik?" Di Kalender Liturgi, selalu ada nama-nama Orang Kudus- Maka sebelum masuk dalam Bacaan, kami bacakan terlebih dahulu Kisah Orang Kudus. Selamat mendengarkan /menonton; Semoga membawa berkat dan sukacita. kumpulan Video: https://www.youtube.com/c/WEREADTrave...

Friday, July 9, 2021

WEREAD Official BCH-Kisah Orkud | Jumat, 09-07-21 | BERGEMBIRALAH DALAM ...

WEREAD Official BCH-Kisah Orkud | Jumat, 09-07-21 | BERGEMBIRALAH DALAM TUHAN, SABAR & BERTAHANLAH SUPAYA SELAMAT: https://youtu.be/EiX5bZ1UD5s Hai, sahabat Weread travelling with Jesus, jumpa lagi dan salam sehat... Kami hadir lagi, menemani Anda dengan Bacaan Alkitab hari ini, Yang sesuai dengan Kalender Liturgi Katolik; Sekaligus menjawab Pertanyaan, 'Gimana sih Baca Alkitab sesuai aturan Kalender Liturgi Katolik?" Di Kalender Liturgi, selalu ada nama-nama Orang Kudus-Sebelum masuk dalam Bacaan, kami bacakan terlebih dahulu Kisah Orang Kudus.