Friday, March 27, 2020


 Doa yang Penuh Kuasa

77 x DOA BAPA KAMI Untuk Berakhirnya Pandemi Covid19

 DOA BAPA KAMI adalah Doa yang langsung diajarkan oleh Tuhan Yesus sendiri kepada para rasulnya. Karena itu Doa Bapa kami didoakan oleh semua bangsa, malahan setiap suku yang memiliki bahasa daerah yang teratur, ada doa Bapa Kami dan Salam Maria.

Bapa kami yang ada di surga
Dimuliakanlah Nama-Mu
Datanglah kerajaan-Mu
Jadilah kehendak-Mu
Di atas bumi, seperti di dalam surga
Berilah kami rezeki pada hari ini
Dan ampunilah kesalahan kami
Seperti kami pun, mengampuni yang bersalah kepada kami
Dan jangan biarkan kami masuk ke dalam pencobaan
Tetapi bebaskanlah kami, dari yang jahat.

Our Father, who art in heaven
Hollowed be thy name
Thy Kingdom come
Thy will be done
On earth as it is in Heaven
Give us this day our daily bread
And forgive us our trespasses as we forgive those who trespass agains us
And lead us not into temtation
But deliver us from evil.

Ama alekot Uis Neno Tunan
Haim lomi seke mpules kit
Hit pah lof nem
Hit loim ten jadi
Na noeban nbi naijan nai
Mfe kai mipen mnahat neno-neno
Kaisa ta to’an fun sanat naek
Atoin asusar kai hain
Msao mefefin
O Ama kaisam polin kai 

Pada Rabu, 24 Maret 2020, untuk kesekian kalinya sejak awal Maret, Paus Fransiskus berdoa Angelus dari Vatikan tanpa kehadiran umat peziarah karena pandemi Covid19, terutama di Italia yang telah menyebabkan banyak orang terjangkit dan bahkan meninggal. Di akhir Maret 2020, diperkirakan sudah meninggal sekitar 800 orang, termasuk Imam Katolik yang melayani umatnya.
Maka pada Rabu ini, 24 Maret 2020, dari jendela kamarnya pada doa Angelus (12.00 waktu Vatikan), sesuai siaran langsung Vatikan: Bapa Suci Paus Fransiskus berpesan:
‘Saudara-saudari yang terkasih…………………………………………………………

Bapa Suci mengajak semua orang yang menamai dirinya Kristen, mendoakan ‘Doa Bapa Kami’.
Maka saya teringat beberapa pengalaman kami mendoakan doa Bapa Kami di saat sulit, sakit, diganggu/pencobaan dan datang pertolongan dengan sangat cepat/terjadi mujizat. Memang betul, Doa Bapa Kami, adalah Doa Yang Penuh Kuasa.
Semoga Doa-Doa Bapa Kami yang diucapkan setiap hari akan mendatangkan kesembuhan bagi yang sakit dan Pandemi Covid-19 ini segera berakhir.
Sebelum Bapa Suci mengeluarkan seruan dan ajakan untuk berdoa Bapa Kami bersama seluruh umat Kristiani, saya sempat berpikir dalam renungan pribadi saya, ‘Sebenarnya Covid 19 ini, virus apa ya? Buatan manusia ataukah wabah yang datang dan dibiarkan Tuhan dengan satu tujuan? Lihatlah, sampai Bapa Paus saja terdiam dan hanya mengikuti aturan pemerintah untuk lockdown dan tidak mampu menolong umatnya yang terjangkit virus ini’.
Ketika saya melihat foto Paus berjalan kaki sambil berdoa dan masuk ke beberapa Basilika untuk berdoa bagi seluruh dunia. Dan saya pun berpikir lagi, “Beberapa tahun lalu, ketika dunia mulai penuh bom bunuh diri ISIS, satu keputusan hebat Paus adalah menetapkan ‘Tahun Jubelium Kerahiman’ Yakni Tahun di mana kita percaya bahwa di dunia yang penuh penderitaan akibat kebencian antar Ras dan Agama, Belas kasihan dan Kerahiman Allah lewat Darah Termulia Yesus Kristus, akan meredam kejahatan itu dan mendamaikan yang bermusuhan, melindungi umat yang tidak bersalah. Saat itu, mulai akhir Desember 2015-November 2016, seluruh umat Kristiani, khususnya umat Katolik, diajak untuk berziarah ke Katedral dan Basilika untuk masuk melalui ‘Pintu Kerahiman’ dan mendapat ‘pengampunan dosa/indulgensi genap’. Maka dunia pun damai. Kita tunggu saja, seruan dari Bapa Suci lagi untuk Pandemi Covid 19 ini.”
Eh, hanya dalam beberapa hari Tuhan menjawab penantian saya, “Bapa Suci Fransiskus, menyerukan agar semua berdoa Bapa Kami! Ini sangat inspiratif. Dan secara pribadi, saya merasa, inilah yang saat ini harus kita lakukan, ‘Berdoa Bapa Kami’ agar Covid 19 berakhir dengan baik dan cepat!  
Tahun lalu, ketika berada di Sydney, di awal Agustus, saya mengikuti sebuah Misa yang dinamakan, ‘CONSECRATTION and FEAST DAY of ‘FATHER OF ALL MANKIND”

Saya ingat menemukan flyer ini dalam Misa harian di akhir Juli 2019, di Gereja St Thomas Aquino, Spring Wood. Gereja di mana kami berdua Roga bersama papa Costandy-mama Barbara misa setiap hari Minggu dan Misa harian setiap pagi jam 9.45 waktu Australia. Di gereja ini pula kami bertemu bapak-ibu se-Paroki yang baik dan teman-teman komunitas DOJCC Bluemountains.
Ketika menemukan flyer pengumuman yang saya foto di atas, saya cocokkan dengan sebuah buku yang Januari lalu (2019) saya dapat dari suster Iris di Biara St Bridget Renon-Denpasar, Bali. Buku yang sama judulnya dengan Judul Flyer ini, saya buka dan baca dan saya menemukan satu hal lagi yang bikin takjub, yakni bentuk Rosarionya!!!

Wow, ternyata Tuhan memberi info tentang ‘Father of All Mankind’ kepada saya satu persatu…karena, saya sudah memiliki Rosario itu sejak tahun 2016, sebelum saya mengikuti ziarah WYDKarkow2016. sekitar bulan Maret 2016, sepasang suami istri masuk ke ruang Adorasi dan menyumbangkan banyak Rosario dan buku doa, mereka berdua datang dari Polandia, mereka sedang berkeliling ke negara-negara dalam rangka memperkenalkan WYDKrakow2016.
Di antara Rosario itu saya pilih Rosario di atas, karena warnanya pink dan kayaknya bisa dipakai sebagai kalung biasa, itu dua hal menarik yang membuat saya memilih Rosario itu.
Ketika mengalungkan Rosario itu, saya bertanya dalam hati, ‘Gimana pakai doanya ya?’ Setelah saya hitung jumlahnya  sesuai bentuk Rosarionya, 8x8+7+5+1=77, akhirnya saya mendoakan Doa Bapa Kami dengan Rosario ini, sebanyak 77 kali.
Saya merasakan pertolongan Tuhan yang datang dengan begitu cepat ketika saya menolong teman yang anaknya kecelakaan dan beberapa hal dan membuat saya makin mantaph untuk mendoakan 77X Bapa Kami dengan Rosario ini ketika saya, teman atau keluarga sedang masalah-masalah yang berat.

Setelah membaca buku ini dan saat mengikuti Misa Consecration and Feast Day of ‘FATHER OF ALL MANKIND,’ baru saya tahu cara menggunakan Rosario ini. Berbeda, karena tidak semuanya ‘Bapa Kami’ tapi saya percaya, dalam ketidak mengertian saya justru inspirasi itu datang agar saya bisa mengulang-ulang doa ‘Bapa Kami’, doa yang penuh kuasa ini.

Saya akan memaparkan aturan mendoakannya, masih asli dalam bahasa Inggris. Bahasa Indonesianya, seteah ini ya…
oiyaa... satu hal saya lupa, saya nekat mengikuti misa ini sendirian, dalam artian, tanpa teman-teman yang lain, karena ketika saya tahu bahwa DOJCC Blue Mountain tetap ada Gathering di Hari Minggu itu, pada Jumat sebelumnya, saya sudah sempat membatalkan niat untuk ke Concord ikut Misa itu, tetapi pada Sabtu pagi-pagi buta, saya bermimpi, melihat wajah papa saya, Bapa Kobus Baria. Wajahnya muncul di langit biru. beliau panggil nama saya dan memberi semangat kepada saya untuk bangun dan pergi. jangan hanya di rumah. Akhirnya, pagi itu setelah Misa harian, saya telpon salah satu Panitia Penyelenggara Misa Consecration and Feast Day of ‘FATHER OF ALL MANKIND’, dan salah satu diantaranya, Patricia, janji untuk menjemput saya di Stasiun Concord. Puji Tuhan, setelah Misa itu, saya dapat informasi mengenai Vigil 4 hari di Katedral St Mary Sydney dan dari sana saya diberikan informasi tentang Adorasi Abadi St Joachim Lidcombe-Sydney. 
Dalam sebuah pesannya, sewaktu masih jadi Paus, St Yohanes Paulus II, pernah meminta kepada para ayah, agar menjadi pribadi di mana anak-anak mereka bisa melihat kebaikan Allah Bapa. So, saya yakin, papa saya sudah bahagia di surga dan Allah Bapa telah mengutusnya untuk datang dalam mimpi saya, sehingga saya tetap datang dalam Misa itu, di mana saya ikut mengucapkan Doa konsekrasi kepada Allah Bapa, seperti yang akan saya bagikan di sini. 

ini beberapa Foto saya ketika mengikuti Misa itu

The Daily Chaplet
Holy Octave of Consecration To GOD Our Father
(A Chaplet may be used)

Mulai dari medalinya:

Dengan memegang medali ini, kita doakan doa Pembukaan dimulai dengan  ‘Tanda Salib”
Prayer on the Medal
In the Name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit. Amen.
Dearest God our Father, I humbly ask that on my journey home to you, Your Holy Angels protect and guide me; that your Blessed Saints in Heaven intercede for me, and that your Suffering Souls in Purgatory pray for me, as I pray for them now. Amen.
Setelah medali, ada 5 butir Rosario, butir pertama yang berwarna kuning, biasanya saya tetap doakan ‘Bapa Kami’ lalu dilanjutkan ke tiga butir di tengahnya. Butir tengah pertama, kita ucapkan Doa Salam Maria, butir tengah ke-2, dibacakan doa kepada Pribadi Yesus; butir tengah ke-3, kita bacakan doa kepada Allah Roh Kudus, seperti di bawah ini.

On the three gold beads:
Bead 1:
Hail Mary, full of Grace, the Lord is with Thee. Blessed art Thou among women and blessed the Fruit of Thy Whom, Jesus.
Holy Mary, Mother of God. Pray for us sinners. Now, and at the hour oh our death, Amen.
Bead 2:
Jesus, my God and my Savior, You loved me so much. You died for me on the Cross, so that I, too, could return to our Father in Heaven. You are the Way, the Truth, and the Life. Through Your Holy Eucharist, please sustain me and be present with me always on my journey home. Amen.
Beads 3:
Holy Spirit, my God and my Sanctifier, Jesus sent you to me for my journey back home to the Father. Please purify and refine me. Fill me with your Divine Light and Love so that the Presence of God may dwell with me and in me. Amen.
Seperti menggunakan Rosario biasa, saat ini kita akan masuk ke butir-butir lingkaran Rosario, dengan delapan butir tiap bagian dan delapan bagian/peristiwa. Tiap peristiwa, kita akan membaca peristiwa/judul, Doa Bapa Kami (1X), dilanjutkan dengan persembahan diri kepada Allah Bapa. Kata yang sama untuk delapan butir adalah, ‘………… I love You, and I give myself to You!’. Nah, di sini saya ajak untuk mempersembahkan bukan hanya diri kita sendiri, tapi juga keluarga, teman, orang yang mesti kita doakan, dll; Jadi setiap peristiwa, kita bisa persembahkan orang yang berbeda yang kita mau doakan. Misalnya pada peristiwa I kita persembahkan diri kita sendiri, pada Peristiwa ke-2, setelah Bapa Kami, kita bisa gantikan  kata ‘myself’ dengan ‘My family; ke-3, kita ganti dengan kata, ‘My friends’ dan seterusnya.

* FIRST MAJOR OCTAVE (gold bead):
The Disobedience and Exile of God Our Father’s Children.
Our Father Prayer: Our Father, who art in heaven . . . .
Minor Octave (on the eight red beads):
Bead 1: In Praise I Love You Father and give myself to You!
Bead 2: In Thanksgiving I Love You Father and give myself to You!
Bead 3: In Offering I Love You Father and give myself to You!
Bead 4: In Repentance I Love You Father and give myself to You!
Bead 5: In my Inheritance I Love You Father and give myself to You!
Bead 6: In Saying my “Fiat” I Love You Father and give myself to You!
Bead 7: In Fidelity I Love You Father and give myself to You!
Bead 8: In Consecration I Love You Father and give myself to You!
* SECOND MAJOR OCTAVE (gold bead):
The Presence of God the Father in The Old Testament era
Our Father Prayer: Our Father, who art in heaven . . . .
Minor Octave (on the eight red beads):
Bead 1: In Praise I Love You Father and give myself to You!
Bead 2: In Thanksgiving I Love You Father and give myself to You!
Bead 3: In Offering I Love You Father and give myself to You!
Bead 4: In Repentance I Love You Father and give myself to You!
Bead 5: In my Inheritance I Love You Father and give myself to You!
Bead 6: In Saying my “Fiat” I Love You Father and give myself to You!
Bead 7: In Fidelity I Love You Father and give myself to You!
Bead 8: In Consecration I Love You Father and give myself to You!
* THIRD MAJOR OCTAVE (gold bead):
The Fiat of Mary, Our Mother.
Our Father Prayer: Our Father, who art in heaven . . . .
Minor Octave (on the eight red beads):
Bead 1: In Praise I Love You Father and give myself to You!
Bead 2: In Thanksgiving I Love You Father and give myself to You!
Bead 3: In Offering I Love You Father and give myself to You!
Bead 4: In Repentance I Love You Father and give myself to You!
Bead 5: In my Inheritance I Love You Father and give myself to You!
Bead 6: In Saying my “Fiat” I Love You Father and give myself to You!
Bead 7: In Fidelity I Love You Father and give myself to You!
Bead 8: In Consecration I Love You Father and give myself to You!
* FOURTH MAJOR OCTAVE (gold bead):
The “Fiat” of Jesus Our Savior, Son of God, and Second Person of the Holy Trinity
Our Father Prayer: Our Father, who art in heaven . . . .
Minor Octave (on the eight red beads):
Bead 1: In Praise I Love You Father and give myself to You!
Bead 2: In Thanksgiving I Love You Father and give myself to You!
Bead 3: In Offering I Love You Father and give myself to You!
Bead 4: In Repentance I Love You Father and give myself to You!
Bead 5: In my Inheritance I Love You Father and give myself to You!
Bead 6: In Saying my “Fiat” I Love You Father and give myself to You!
Bead 7: In Fidelity I Love You Father and give myself to You!
Bead 8: In Consecration I Love You Father and give myself to You!
* FIFTH MAJOR OCTAVE (gold bead):
The Sending of the Holy Spirit, Our Sanctifier — Spirit of GOD and The Third Person of the Holy Trinity
Our Father Prayer: Our Father, who art in heaven . . . .
Minor Octave (on the eight red beads):
Bead 1: In Praise I Love You Father and give myself to You!
Bead 2: In Thanksgiving I Love You Father and give myself to You!
Bead 3: In Offering I Love You Father and give myself to You!
Bead 4: In Repentance I Love You Father and give myself to You!
Bead 5: In my Inheritance I Love You Father and give myself to You!
Bead 6: In Saying my “Fiat” I Love You Father and give myself to You!
Bead 7: In Fidelity I Love You Father and give myself to You!
Bead 8: In Consecration I Love You Father and give myself to You!
* SIXTH MAJOR OCTAVE (gold bead):
The Choice of God’s Prodigal Children to Return to Their Father.
Our Father Prayer: Our Father, who art in heaven . . . .
Minor Octave (on the eight red beads):
Bead 1: In Praise I Love You Father and give myself to You!
Bead 2: In Thanksgiving I Love You Father and give myself to You!
Bead 3: In Offering I Love You Father and give myself to You!
Bead 4: In Repentance I Love You Father and give myself to You!
Bead 5: In my Inheritance I Love You Father and give myself to You!
Bead 6: In Saying my “Fiat” I Love You Father and give myself to You!
Bead 7: In Fidelity I Love You Father and give myself to You!
Bead 8: In Consecration I Love You Father and give myself to You!
The “Fiat” Of GOD Our Father’s Children — Individually and As The Body Of Christ
Our Father Prayer: Our Father, who art in heaven . . . .
Minor Octave (on the eight red beads):
Bead 1: In Praise I Love Your Father and give myself to You!
Bead 2: In Thanksgiving I Love You Father and give myself to You!
Bead 3: In Offering I Love You Father and give myself to You!
Bead 4: In Repentance I Love You Father and give myself to You!
Bead 5: In my Inheritance I Love You Father and give myself to You!
Bead 6: In Saying my “Fiat” I Love You Father and give myself to You!
Bead 7: In Fidelity I Love You Father and give myself to You!
Bead 8: In Consecration I Love You Father and give myself to You!
* EIGHT MAJOR OCTAVE (gold bead):
The Coming of the New Jerusalem
Our Father Prayer: Our Father, who art in heaven . . . .
Minor Octave (on the eight red beads):
Bead 1: In Praise I Love You Father and give myself to You!
Bead 2: In Thanksgiving I Love You Father and give myself to You!
Bead 3: In Offering I Love You Father and give myself to You!
Bead 4: In Repentance I Love You Father and give myself to You!
Bead 5: In my Inheritance I Love You Father and give myself to You!
Bead 6: In Saying my “Fiat” I Love You Father and give myself to You!
Bead 7: In Fidelity I Love You Father and give myself to You!
Bead 8: In Consecration I Love You Father and give myself to You!
Kemudian, ditutup dengan seruan ini:
Final Prayer: 
Dearest God Our Father, I love You; I adore You; I worship You! Amen.
End with the Sign of the Cross.

Waktunya hanya sekitar 20-25 menit. Selain doa Rosario ‘Father of All Mankind’ di atas, jada tiga Doa yang menjadi pelengkap, Litani, Penyerahan dan Novena:


My Dearest Father, please accept this offering of myself-my body, mind, and soul.
I praise You for Your Creation--all Your works and wonders.
I thank You for giving me life and for all that You have done for me.
I offer up to You all that You have so generously given me.
I am sincerely sorry for not knowing, loving, serving, and honoring You as I should.
I embrace my inheritance as Your child, both the joy and the responsibilities.
I give you my "Yes" so that I may be an instrument of Your Will.
I pledge my fidelity and I ask for the grace of steadfastness and perseverance in my Faith.
Most loving, caring, and merciful of Fathers, in Your Divine Presence, I sincerely proclaim my love for You; I give myself (and my family/all God's children) to You; and I solemnly consecrate myself (and my family/all God's children) to You--now and forever.
Dearest Father, as Your child, I ask-- That You send Mary to guide me to Jesus, and that Jesus sends me the Holy Spirit so that they may all bring me to You. That You dwell with me and in me--a living temple prepared by Mary, dedicated by Jesus, and purified by Your Holy Spirit. And may I always be with You and in You. That You permit me, as Your child, to be Your true and intimate friend--one who loves You above all things. And that You come for me when I die, to bring me home to You.
I further ask You, Father: for the sake of all mankind:
To have mercy on all Your children--past, present, and future. To bring peace to the world and to gather all Your children to Yourself. And that Your Kingdom comes and Your Will is done on earth as it is in heaven. Amen.


P Lord, have mercy.  - R. Lord, have mercy.
Christ, have mercy. - R. Christ, have mercy.
Lord, have mercy. - R. Lord, have mercy.
Christ, hear us. - R. Christ, graciously hear us.
God, the Father of Heaven. - R. Have mercy on us.
God, the Son, Redeemer of the World. - R. Have…
God, the Holy Spirit. R.
Holy Trinity, one God. R.
P God Our Father saved eight people on Noe's Ark.
R Have mercy on us, O Loving Father.
P God Our Father decreed that all male babies be circumcised on the eighth day as a sign of His Covenant with us. R. Have…
God Our Father manifested Himself to Moses and His children after they completed an eight-day period of consecration and offering to Him. - R
God Our Father instituted the eight-day Feast of Tabernacles to remind His children that He was with them, loved them, and brought them out of the bondage of Egypt. R
God Our Father accepted purification offerings from His children on the final eighth day of ritual cleansing. R
God Our Father was glorified when David, the eighth son of Jesse, brought the Ark of the Covenant into the City of David amidst praises sung for the octave upon harps. R
God Our Father heard David's repentant cry played on an eight-stringed harp. R
God Our Father was glorified when Solomon completed the House of the Lord in the eighth month of the year. R
God Our Father filled the Temple with His majesty and came to dwell with His children on the eighth day of Solomon's Feast of the Dedication.
The Presence of God Our Father was to be approached by eight steps in the new Temple envisioned by His prophet Ezekiel. R
P God Our Father was glorified when His defiled Temple was purified and re-dedicated by the Maccabee's during the eight-day Feast of the Dedication. 
R Have mercy on us, O Loving Father.
P God Our Father made a new covenant with His children, through Jesus, His Son, Who was circumcised on the eighth day. R
God Our Father revealed His Son Jesus during the Transfiguration, eight days after Jesus fed the multitudes. R
God Our Father was glorified when, from Solomon's Porch in the Temple, on the eight-day Feast of the Dedication, His Son, Jesus, revealed that He was consecrated to God Our Father and that He and the Father were one. R
God Our Father was glorified after His Son, Jesus, rose from the dead on the eighth day of His week of Passion and Redemption for our sins. R
God Our Father was glorified when Jesus showed His wounds to unbelieving Thomas eight days after His Resurrection. R
P Let us pray:
Dearest God Our Father, let us know, love, and honor You through eight days of purification and dedication, as You willed it throughout our Salvation History. And may The Holy Octave of Consecration to God Our Father and its eighth solemn day, The Feast of the Father of All Mankind, serve to bring all Your children back home to You.
May this be granted through Your Love and the Love of Jesus, our God and Savior; the Holy Spirit, our God and Sanctifier; and Mary, our Mother.
R Amen.


Oh my Father in heaven, how sweet and comforting it is to know that You are my Father and that I am Your child! 
Especially when the sky of my soul is dark and my cross weighs more heavily, I feel the need to tell You: Father, I do believe in Your love for me!
Yes, I believe that You are my Father and that I am Your child! - I believe that You love me with an infinite love!
I believe that You watch over me day and night and that not even one hair falls from my head without Your permission!
I believe that You, being in possession of infinite wisdom, know better than myself what is of advantage to me!
I believe that, being in possession of infinite goodness, You subject everything to the welfare of those who love You: and behind the hands that injure me, I kiss Your healing hand!
I do believe, and yet I request you to increase my faith and my charity!
Teach me how to clearly perceive Your love conducting all events ever occurring in my life.
Teach me how to entrust myself to Your guidance like a child in its mother’s arms!
Father, You know everything, You see everything, You know me better than I know myself. You have the power to do everything, and You love me!
Oh my Father, since You want us to request You for everything we need, I come with confidence to request You together with Jesus and Mary.

(Here the favor you desire should be stated)

To this intention, I unite with their Most Sacred Hearts and offer You all my prayers, my sacrifices and mortifications, together with an increased faithfulness to my duties.

(If this prayer is to be recited as a novena, you should add: “I promise to perform my duty faithfully, and during these eight days in particular, on a given occasion…and to such and such person...”

Give me the light, the strength and the grace of Your Spirit! Make me strong in this Spirit, so that I may never lose Him nor sadden Him, nor weaken Him in me.
My Father, this I request in the Name of Jesus Christ, Your own Son!
And You, O Jesus, open Your Heart and place my heart into Yours and offer it to our Divine Father together with St. Mary's Heart!
Do obtain for me in exchange that grace I need so badly!
My Divine Father, make Yourself known to all mankind. May the whole world proclaim Your goodness and Your Mercy!
Be my tender Father, and protect me everywhere like the apple of Your eye.
May I forever be Your worthy child. Have mercy on me!
DIVINE FATHER, the sweet hope of our souls, may You be Known, Honored and Loved by all mankind!
DIVINE FATHER, infinite goodness being cast upon all peoples, may You be Known, Honored and Loved by all mankind!
DIVINE FATHER, beneficent dew of humanity, may You be Known, Honored and Loved by all mankind!
Mother Eugenia Elisabetta Ravasio
Partial Indulgence
+JEAN Cardinal VERDIER, Archbishop of Paris, 8th May 1936
"The Father Speaks to His Children" (PDF file- NOT FOR SALE):
----- excerpts taken from the aforementioned link: "There are many Feast Days in our Church for Jesus and Mary; there is a Feast Day for the Holy Spirit and the Trinity, but there is no specific Feast Day to honour our Father. We wish to change this, by petitioning the Vatican to introduce a Feast Day in August as the Father has requested. The message has been given an Imprimatur Petrus Canisius Van Lierde, Vic. Generalis e Vic. Civitatis Vaticanae, Roma Die 13 Martii 1989."

Holy Octave of Consecration prayer links:

Mother Eugenia Elisabetta Ravasio (1907-1190) links:
- biography:
- about Mother Ravasio and the messages of God the Father:
- about Mother Ravasio:

Salam dari rumah aja---rumah Heidy-Yudha/Jimbaran/Narita