Monday, July 19, 2021

WEREAD_Official Daily Readings, Saint's, FT LOVE|Monday 19-07-21| My Str...

WEREAD_Official Daily Readings, Saint Story, Formation Teaching LOVE Part 5  | Monday 19-07-21| My Strength and my courage is the Lord, and He has been my saviour (Exodus 15:2) : My Strength and my courage is the Lord, and He has been my saviour (Exodus 15:2) WEREAD_Official Daily Readings-Saint story-Formation Teaching with International DOJCC ‘LOVE’ Series. July 19, 2021 - Monday XVI in Ordinary Time Hello everyone, we are back again to read the Daily Bible Reading according to the Catholic Liturgical Calendar on Monday of XVI Week in Ordinary Time & Saint's Mary McKillop story then  reflection about  'LOVE' part 5 by Anthony Ringrose-Voase- EMOTIONS SERIES - Formation Teaching  with International DOJCC Community.

Saint of the Day for July 19
(January 15, 1842 - August 8, 1909)
Audio file
Saint Mary MacKillop's Story

If Saint Mary MacKillop were alive today, she would be a household name. It’s not that she sought the limelight. On the contrary, she simply wanted to serve the poor wherever she found them in her native Australia. But along the way, she managed to arouse the ire of some rather powerful churchmen. One even excommunicated her for a time.

Born in Melbourne in 1842, to parents who had emigrated from Scotland, Mary grew up in a family that faced constant financial struggles. As a young woman she was drawn to religious life but could not find an existing order of Sisters that met her needs. In 1860, she met Father Julian Woods, who became her spiritual director. Together they founded a new community of women—the Sisters of St. Joseph of the Sacred Heart, also known as the Josephite Sisters. Its members were to staff schools especially for poor children, as well as orphanages, and do other works of charity.

As the congregation grew, so did Mary MacKillop’s problems. Her priest-friend proved unreliable in many ways and his responsibilities for direction of the Sisters were removed. Meanwhile, Mary had the support of some local bishops as she and her Sisters went about their work. But the bishop in South Australia, aging and relying on others for advice, briefly excommunicated Mary—charging her with disobedience—and dispensed 50 of her Sisters from their vows. In truth, the bishop’s quarrel was about power and who had authority over whom. He ultimately rescinded his order of excommunication.

Mary insisted that her congregation should be governed by an elected mother general answerable to Rome, not to the local bishop. There also were disputes about whether or not the congregation could own property. In the end, Rome proved to be Mary’s best source of support. After a long wait official approval of the congregation—and how it was to be governed—came from Pope Leo XIII.

Despite her struggles with Church authorities, Mary MacKillop and her Sisters were able to offer social services that few, if any, government agencies in Australia could. They served Protestants and Catholics alike. They worked among the aborigines. They taught in schools and orphanages and served unmarried mothers.

Money, actually the lack of it, was a constant worry. But the Sisters who begged from door to door, were bolstered by faith and by the conviction that their struggles were opportunities to grow closer to God.

By the time Mary was approaching the end of her life, the congregation was thriving. She died in 1909 at the age of 67. Pope John Paul II beatified her in 1995. In 2010, when Pope Benedict XVI canonized her, she became Australia’s first saint. Her liturgical feast is celebrated on August 8.


The story of many foundresses of religious communities and the tales of the early days of those communities can make for fascinating reading. Those women were dedicated and tough and fought for those they served. Let’s thank the Lord for raising up such wonderful examples of faith. (Source

Monday of the Sixteenth Week in Ordinary Time

Lectionary: 395

Reading I

When it was reported to the king of Egypt
that the people had fled,
Pharaoh and his servants changed their minds about them.
They exclaimed, “What have we done!
Why, we have released Israel from our service!”
So Pharaoh made his chariots ready and mustered his soldiers
six hundred first-class chariots
and all the other chariots of Egypt, with warriors on them all.
So obstinate had the LORD made Pharaoh
that he pursued the children of Israel
even while they were marching away in triumph.
The Egyptians, then, pursued them;
Pharaoh’s whole army, his horses, chariots and charioteers,
caught up with them as they lay encamped by the sea,
at Pi-hahiroth, in front of Baal-zephon.

Pharaoh was already near when the children of Israel looked up
and saw that the Egyptians were on the march in pursuit of them.
In great fright they cried out to the LORD.
And they complained to Moses,
“Were there no burial places in Egypt
that you had to bring us out here to die in the desert?
Why did you do this to us?
Why did you bring us out of Egypt?
Did we not tell you this in Egypt, when we said,
‘Leave us alone. Let us serve the Egyptians’?
Far better for us to be the slaves of the Egyptians
than to die in the desert.”
But Moses answered the people,
“Fear not! Stand your ground,
and you will see the victory the LORD will win for you today.
These Egyptians whom you see today you will never see again.
The LORD himself will fight for you; you have only to keep still.”

Then the LORD said to Moses, “Why are you crying out to me?
Tell the children of Israel to go forward.
And you, lift up your staff and, with hand outstretched over the sea,
split the sea in two,
that the children of Israel may pass through it on dry land.
But I will make the Egyptians so obstinate
that they will go in after them.
Then I will receive glory through Pharaoh and all his army,
his chariots and charioteers.
The Egyptians shall know that I am the LORD,
when I receive glory through Pharaoh
and his chariots and charioteers.”

Responsorial Psalm

R. (1b) Let us sing to the Lord; he has covered himself in glory.
I will sing to the LORD, for he is gloriously triumphant;
horse and chariot he has cast into the sea.
My strength and my courage is the LORD,
and he has been my savior.
He is my God, I praise him;
the God of my father, I extol him.
R. Let us sing to the Lord; he has covered himself in glory.
The LORD is a warrior,
LORD is his name!
Pharaoh’s chariots and army he hurled into the sea;
the elite of his officers were submerged in the Red Sea.
R. Let us sing to the Lord; he has covered himself in glory.
The flood waters covered them,
they sank into the depths like a stone.
Your right hand, O LORD, magnificent in power,
your right hand, O LORD, has shattered the enemy.
R. Let us sing to the Lord; he has covered himself in glory.


R. Alleluia, alleluia.
If today you hear his voice,
harden not your hearts.
R. Alleluia, alleluia.

Some of the scribes and Pharisees said to Jesus,
“Teacher, we wish to see a sign from you.”
He said to them in reply,
“An evil and unfaithful generation seeks a sign,
but no sign will be given it
except the sign of Jonah the prophet.
Just as Jonah was in the belly of the whale three days and three nights, 
so will the Son of Man be in the heart of the earth
three days and three nights.
At the judgment, the men of Nineveh will arise with this generation
and condemn it, because they repented at the preaching of Jonah;
and there is something greater than Jonah here.
At the judgment the queen of the south will arise with this generation
and condemn it, because she came from the ends of the earth
to hear the wisdom of Solomon;
and there is something greater than Solomon here.”


Saturday, July 17, 2021


"TUHAN, ALLAH YANG BERBELASKASIH" | (Official) BACAAN LENGKAP-RENUNGAN HARI MINGGU XVI l 18-07-21 : Hai, sahabat Weread travelling with Jesus, jumpa lagi dan salam sehat... WEREAD_Travelling with Jesus-- Youtube: ... Hadir lagi mempersembahkan Bacaan Liturgi hari Minggu dilengkapi dengan RENUNGAN RENUNGAN: RM. JOHN LABA SDB Komunitas Salesian don Bosco Tiga Raksa -Tangerang

Lirik Lagu Backsound:
π™»πšŠ πš…πš˜πšŒπšŽ πšπš’ π™ΌπšŠπš›πš’πšŠ La voce di Maria Dentro l'anima mia Come un balsamo scende Sulle ferite e se le porta via La voce di Maria Dolce melodia Che ti porta il cuore Sempre di piΓΉ nel cuore di GesΓΉ Le mani di Maria Sopra l'anima mia Santa benedizione La sua protezione per la vita mia La voce di Maria Le mani di Maria Il suo sorriso dolce Che mi fa cantare Sei la Mamma mia Gli occhi di Maria Dentro l'anima mia Scavano dritto nel cuore Sciogliendo il gelo E se lo porta via L'amore di Maria Dolce poesia Che sussurra al cuore Sempre di piΓΉ il nome di GesΓΉ Lo sguardo di Maria Sopra l'anima mia Dolce tenerezza Splendida bellezza ImmensitΓ  e armonia Gli occhi di Maria Lo sguardo di Maria Il suo sorriso dolce che mi fa cantare Sei la Mamma mia

Paolo e Roberta


Friday, July 16, 2021


Pesta Bunda Maria dari Gunung Karmel

Hari ini adalah Pesta Bunda Maria dari Gunung Karmel. Pesta ini memperingati rahmat yang diberikan oleh Bunda Maria di Gunung Karmel. Pada 16 Juli 1251 Santa Perawan Maria menampakkan diri kepada St. Simon Stock, memegang di tangan-Nya sebentuk scapular.

Menurut catatan sejarah Karmelit yang paling kuno, Ordo ini memiliki asal-usul dari murid-murid nabi Elia dan Eliseus. Mereka tinggal di gua-gua di Gunung Karmel. Mereka menghormati Ratu Surga sebagai Perawan yang melahirkan Juruselamat. Ketika realitas menggantikan simbol, para pertapa saleh Karmel bertobat ke Iman Kristiani. Pada abad ke-12, banyak peziarah dari Eropa yang mengikuti Tentara Perang Salib datang untuk bergabung dengan para pertapa. Disusunlah aturan dan Ordo mulai menyebar ke Eropa.

Di tengah banyaknya penganiayaan yang muncul terhadap Ordo Gunung Karmel, anggota yang baru tiba di Eropa, Santo Simon Stock, Pemimpin Ordo, menoleh dengan keyakinan penuh bakti kepada Santa Bunda Allah. Saat ia berlutut dalam doa pada 16 Juli 1251, di biara Biarawan Putih di Cambridge, Bunda Maria muncul dihadapannya dan menyajikan skapulir coklat yang terkenal, pakaian longgar tanpa lengan yang diperuntukkan bagi Ordo Karmel, dari bahu mencapai ke lutut. Hal ini diberikan sebagai jaminan, bagi semua yang meninggal memakainya, mendapat perlindungan surgawi Bunda Maria dari kematian kekal. Sungguh perjanjian yang luar biasa, tapi seseorang butuh kehidupan doa dan pengorbanan.

Janji seutuhnya dari Bunda Maria Gunung Karmel Carmel kepada St. Simon Stock 16 Juli 1251:

"Terimalah Skapulir ini. Yang akan menjadi tanda keselamatan, perlindungan dalam bahaya dan janji perdamaian. Barang siapa meninggal berpakaian Skapulir ini tidak akan menderita api abadi."

Devosi kepada pakaian yang terberkati ini menyebar dengan cepat ke seluruh dunia Kristen. Paus demi Paus memperkaya dengan indulgensi, dan tak terhitung mukjizat yang dimeteraikan atas kemanjurannya. Yang pertama terjadi di Winchester pada seorang pria sekarat yang putus asa, yang ketika skapulir diletakkan dibawah badannya oleh St. Simon Stock seketika itu juga ia meminta Sakramen.

Pada tahun 1636, seorang pria terhormat, anggota dari resimen kavaleri, terluka parah di pertempuran Tehin, peluru bersarang di dekat jantungnya. Dia berada dalam keadaan dosa besar, tapi ia punya waktu untuk membuat pengakuannya. Setelah itu dokter bedah memeriksa lukanya, dan peluru itu ditemukan telah mendorong skapulir kedalam jantungnya. Ketika telah ditarik ia segera terbebaskan, membuat tindakan rasa syukur yang mendalam kepada Santa Perawan yang memperpanjang hidupnya secara mukjizat, sehingga menjaga dia dari kematian kekal jiwanya.

Di Lourdes pada tahun 1858, sang Perawan memilih untuk membuat penampakan terakhirnya pada tanggal 16 Juli, pesta Bunda Maria dari Gunung Karmel, hari dimana Gereja memperingati penampakan Bunda Maria kepada St. Simon Stock. Dan di Fatima pada tanggal 13 Oktober 1917, sebagai Bunda Maria dari Gunung Karmel Ia menampakkan diri ketika mengucapkan selamat tinggal kepada ketiga anak. Sepanjang jaman, Ratu dari Karmel selalu terus mencermati dengan setia nasib anak-anak yang dikasihi-Nya di bumi.

Thursday, July 15, 2021


"DATANGLAH KEPADA YESUS BAGI SEMUA YANG LETIH LESU DAN BERBEBAN BERAT" | Official BCH-Kisah ORKUD-Renungan l Kamis 15-07-21 : Hai, sahabat Weread travelling with Jesus, jumpa lagi dan salam sehat... WEREAD_Travelling with Jesus-- Teman Baca Alkitab Bagi Anda-- Youtube: Hadir lagi mempersembahkan Bacaan Harian Liturgi, dilengkapi Kisah Orang Kudus yaitu Santo Vladimir Bagi sahabat we read yang ingin membagikan kesaksian atau pengalaman bersama Yesus  melalui video, audio atau tulisan, lalu mengirimkannya ke email kami yang akan kami muat disalah satu video kami selanjutnya sebagai kesaksian. Terima kasih

Wednesday, July 14, 2021


"BERSYUKUR DAN RENDAH HATI MEMBAWA BANYAK HIKMAT" | Official BCH-Kisah ORKUD-Renungan l Rabu, 14-07-21 : Hai, sahabat Weread travelling with Jesus, jumpa lagi dan salam sehat... WEREAD_Travelling with Jesus-- Teman Baca Alkitab Bagi Anda-- Youtube: Hadir lagi mempersembahkan Bacaan Harian Liturgi, dilengkapi Kisah Orang Kudus yaitu Santo Kamilus de Lellis Bagi sahabat we read yang ingin membagikan kesaksian atau pengalaman bersama Yesus  melalui video, audio atau tulisan, lalu mengirimkannya ke email kami yang akan kami muat disalah satu video kami selanjutnya sebagai kesaksian. Terima kasih

Santo Kamilus de Lellis

“Bila saya melayani Kristus, saya tidak usah ganti pakaian untuk menerima wakil-Nya.”
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    11 Oktober 2014
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Kamilus de Lellis lahir di Bocchionico, Italia pada tahun 1550. Ia adalah putra bangsawan militer, de Lellis yang cukup berpengaruh pada saat itu. Ayahnya adalah seorang berperangai kasar dan jarang berada di rumah. Ibunya yang bernama Camilla Compelli de Laureto, meninggal saat ia masih berusia 12 tahun. Kamilus kecil kurang memperoleh perhatian dan kasih sayang, dan ia  tumbuh menjadi seorang anak yang kasar dan sangat nakal.

Saat usia remaja, Ia pernah menjadi tentara di Venesia, tetapi ia kemudian dipecat karena tidak disiplin dan suka berjudi. Keluar dari Militer kebiasaannya berjudi semakin menjadi-jadi sehingga ia jatuh miskin dan menjadi pengemis.

Pada tahun 1574, ia menjadi seorang kuli bangunan di biara Fransiskan Kapusin di Manfredonia. Suasana biara yang tenang dan damai, serta lantunan doa para rahib kapusin rupanya menyentuh jiwanya. Dibiara tersebut Kamilius bertobat. Ia lalu melamar untuk menjadi seorang bruder di biara itu, namun ia ditolak karena kesehatannya yang buruk.

Tidak patah arang, Kamilus kemudian pindah ke kota Roma. Di sana ia bertemu dengan Santo Philipus Neri yang kemudian menjadi bapa pengakuannya. Setelah beberapa lama, Kamilus diterima bekerja di rumah sakit San Giacomo sebagai seorang perawat. Ia ditugaskan untuk merawat orang-orang sakit yang tidak bisa terobati lagi. Kesabaran dan kepeduliannya kepada para pasien menaikkan prestasinya. Dikemudian hari, dengan tidak diduga, Kamilus diangkat menjadi Direktur rumah sakit tersebut.

Semangat pelayanan dan cinta kasihnya kepada para pasien sungguh besar. Ia kemudian berkeputusan untuk membaktikan dirinya lagi bagi pelayanan orang-orang sakit. Kelalaian dan ketidak-pedulian para perawat, bahkan para imam terhadap kepentingan orang-orang sakit mendorong Kamilus semakin menekuni pelayanannya.

Atas nasehat Philipus Neri, Kamilus memutuskan untuk menjadi imam. Untuk itu ia giat belajar dan kemudian ditabhiskan menjadi imam pada tahun 1584 di Roma. Di tahun itu juga Kamilus  mendirikan sebuah tarekat religius baru yang disebut Tarekat Hamba Orang-orang Sakit (Latin : Clerci Regulari Ministeri Infirmaribus) atau yang dikenal sebagai Tarekat Kamilian. Anggota tarekat ini mengabdikan diri pada pelayanan orang-orang sakit. Dua tahun berikutnya Tarekat ini direstui oleh Sri Paus Sixtus V pada tahun 1586, dan pada tahun 1591 Paus Gregorius XIV meningkatkan statusnya menjadi sebuah ordo religius.

Kamilus menjadi pemimpin pertama ordo itu dan membangun biara-biara di Napoli dan kota-kota Italia lainnya. Kepada rekan-rekannya, ia menasehatkan: “Mengabdikan seikhlas-ikhlasnya hingga titik darah yang terakhir, karena Tuhan hadir secara paling nyata di dalam diri orang-orang sakit yang kita layani. Kita ditugaskan Tuhan untuk melayani Dia di dalam diri orang-orang sakit ini.”

Suatu hari sri paus mengunjungi rumah sakit, dimana Kamillius sedang merawat. Karena tidak ganti pakaian, ia dicela, namun ia menjawab: “Bila saya melayani Kristus, saya tidak usah ganti pakaian untuk menerima wakil-Nya.”

Kamilius meninggal dunia pada tanggal 14 Juli 1614 dalam usia 64 tahun. Jenazahnya dikuburkan di gereja Santa Magdalena di Roma. Banyak mukjizat dialami oleh orang-orang yang berdoa dengan perantaraannya. Kamilius dibeatifikasi pada tahun 1742 dan kanonisasi oleh Paus Benediktus XIV pada tahun 1746. Ia dihormati sebagai santo pelindung orang-orang sakit, para perawat dan organisasi-organisasi kesehatan.

Arti nama

Kamillus adalah nama Romawi yang berasal dari kata Latin: Camillus,  yang berarti : "pelayan atau (religius)"

(sumber dan credit:

WEREAD_Official Daily Readings, Saint, FT LOVE 3 |Wed 14-07-21|Bless th...

WEREAD_Official Daily Readings, Saint Story, Formation Teaching LOVE Part 3 | Wednesday 14-07-21 | Bless the LORD, O my soul, and forget not all his benefits. (Psalm 103:2): Bless the LORD, O my soul, and forget not all his benefits. (Psalm 103:2) WEREAD_Official Daily Readings-Saint story-Formation Teaching with International DOJCC ‘LOVE’ Series. July 14, 2021 - Wednesday XV in Ordinary Time.

Hello everyone, we are back again to read the Daily Bible Reading according to the Catholic Liturgical Calendar on Wednesday of XV Week in Ordinary Time & Saint's story then reflection about 'LOVE' (part 3) by Anthony Ringrose-Voase- EMOTIONS SERIES - Formation Teaching with International DOJCC Community.

Saint Kateri Tekakwitha's Story

The blood of martyrs is the seed of saints. Nine years after the Jesuits Isaac Jogues and Jean de Lelande were tomahawked by Iroquois warriors, a baby girl was born near the place of their martyrdom, Auriesville, New York.

Her mother was a Christian Algonquin, taken captive by the Iroquois and given as wife to the chief of the Mohawk clan, the boldest and fiercest of the Five Nations. When she was four, Tekakwitha lost her parents and little brother in a smallpox epidemic that left her disfigured and half blind. She was adopted by an uncle, who succeeded her father as chief. He hated the coming of the Blackrobes—Jesuit missionaries—but could do nothing to them because a peace treaty with the French required their presence in villages with Christian captives. She was moved by the words of three Blackrobes who lodged with her uncle, but fear of him kept her from seeking instruction. Tekakwitha refused to marry a Mohawk brave, and at 19 finally got the courage to take the step of converting. She was baptized with the name Kateri--Catherine--on Easter Sunday.

Now she would be treated as a slave. Because she would not work on Sunday, Kateri received no food that day. Her life in grace grew rapidly. She told a missionary that she often meditated on the great dignity of being baptized. She was powerfully moved by God’s love for human beings and saw the dignity of each of her people.

She was always in danger, for her conversion and holy life created great opposition. On the advice of a priest, Kateri stole away one night and began a 200-mile walking journey to a Christian Indian village at Sault St. Louis, near Montreal.

For three years she grew in holiness under the direction of a priest and an older Iroquois woman, giving herself totally to God in long hours of prayer, in charity, and in strenuous penance. At 23, Kateri took a vow of virginity, an unprecedented act for an Indian woman whose future depended on being married. She found a place in the woods where she could pray an hour a day—and was accused of meeting a man there!

Her dedication to virginity was instinctive: Kateri did not know about religious life for women until she visited Montreal. Inspired by this, she and two friends wanted to start a community, but the local priest dissuaded her. She humbly accepted an “ordinary” life. She practiced extremely severe fasting as penance for the conversion of her nation. Kateri Tekakwitha died the afternoon before Holy Thursday. Witnesses said that her emaciated face changed color and became like that of a healthy child. The lines of suffering, even the pockmarks, disappeared and the touch of a smile came upon her lips. She was beatified in 1980 and canonized in 2012.


We like to think that our proposed holiness is thwarted by our situation. If only we could have more solitude, less opposition, better health. Kateri Tekakwitha repeats the example of the saints: Holiness thrives on the cross, anywhere. Yet she did have what Christians—all people—need: the support of a community. She had a good mother, helpful priests, Christian friends. These were present in what we call primitive conditions, and blossomed in the age-old Christian triad of prayer, fasting and almsgiving: union with God in Jesus and the Spirit, self-discipline and often suffering, and charity for her brothers and sisters.

(Source of and credit for by: Leni Avenila:


July 14, 2021

Memorial of Saint Kateri Tekakwitha, Virgin

Lectionary: 391

Moses was tending the flock of his father-in-law Jethro, the priest of Midian.
Leading the flock across the desert, he came to Horeb,
the mountain of God.
There an angel of the LORD appeared to him in fire
flaming out of a bush.
As he looked on, he was surprised to see that the bush,
though on fire, was not consumed.
So Moses decided,
“I must go over to look at this remarkable sight,
and see why the bush is not burned.”

When the LORD saw him coming over to look at it more closely,
God called out to him from the bush, “Moses! Moses!”
He answered, “Here I am.”
God said, “Come no nearer!
Remove the sandals from your feet,
for the place where you stand is holy ground.
I am the God of your father,” he continued,
“the God of Abraham, the God of Isaac, the God of Jacob.
The cry of the children of Israel has reached me,
and I have truly noted that the Egyptians are oppressing them.
Come, now!  I will send you to Pharaoh to lead my people,
the children of Israel, out of Egypt.”

But Moses said to God,
“Who am I that I should go to Pharaoh
and lead the children of Israel out of Egypt?”
He answered, “I will be with you;
and this shall be your proof that it is I who have sent you:
when you bring my people out of Egypt,
you will worship God on this very mountain.”

Responsorial Psalm

R.    (8a)  The Lord is kind and merciful.
Bless the LORD, O my soul;
    and all my being, bless his holy name.
Bless the LORD, O my soul,
    and forget not all his benefits.
R.    The Lord is kind and merciful.
He pardons all your iniquities,
    he heals all your ills.
He redeems your life from destruction,
    he crowns you with kindness and compassion. 
R.    The Lord is kind and merciful.
The LORD secures justice
    and the rights of all the oppressed.
He has made known his ways to Moses,
    and his deeds to the children of  Israel. 
R.    The Lord is kind and merciful.


R. Alleluia, alleluia.
Blessed are you, Father, Lord of heaven and earth;
you have revealed to little ones the mysteries of the Kingdom.
R. Alleluia, alleluia.

At that time Jesus exclaimed: 
“I give praise to you, Father, Lord of heaven and earth,
for although you have hidden these things
from the wise and the learned
you have revealed them to the childlike.
Yes, Father, such has been your gracious will.
All things have been handed over to me by my Father.
No one knows the Son except the Father,
and no one knows the Father except the Son
and anyone to whom the Son wishes to reveal him.”

(Source of and Credit for:USCCB DAILY READINGS/ by:Leni Evanila from WEREADTravellingwithJesus