Saturday, February 20, 2021

Have mercy on me, O Lord | WEREAD Saturday after Ash Wednesday, 20th of ...

English Edition
First Reading : Isaiah 58:9b-14
Responsorial Psalm : Psalm 86:1-2, 3-4, 5-6
Verse for Introduction to the Bible: Ezekiel 33:11
Gospel : Luke 5:27-32
Reader : Eka Mayo
Opening English : Eka Mayo
Greetings : Eka Mayo
The Stories of the Saints : Dewi Dhanan
Opening & Closing Prayer: Martina Narita
Liturgical Readings - Lectionary : 222
Blessing: Father Dinong O.Carm (Bedugul-Bali)
Editor : Bobby Marsh
Design - Editor Team : Bobby Marsh-Sara Dewi-Rybno Lorenzo Taolin, Tifanie,, Michael, Narita

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