Tuesday, August 3, 2021

When You Fall, Stretch Out Your l WEREAD_Official Daily Readings, Saint'...

WEREAD_Official Daily Readings, Saint Story, Formation Teaching's DOJCC | Wednesday 04-08-21| When You Fall, Stretch Out Your Hand To God, Then He Will Lift You High : https://youtu.be/dgmzV_UAjWA
For watching all videos: https://youtube.com/c/WEREADTravellingwithJesus
Hello everyone, we are back again to read the Daily Bible Reading according to the Catholic Liturgical Calendar on Wednesday of XVIII , Week in Ordinary Time & Saint's story then reflection about 'LOVE' by Anthony Ringrose - Voase- EMOTIONS SERIES - Formation Teaching with International DOJCC Community.
Reader: Santi - Denpasar, Bali Reader Story of Saint: Emma - Denpasar, Bali Formation Teaching: Anthony Ringrose - Voase- From DOJCC - Canberra Branch

Saint of the Day for August 4

(May 8, 1786 - August 4, 1859)
Audio file

Saint John Vianney's Story

A man with vision overcomes obstacles and performs deeds that seem impossible. John Vianney was a man with vision: He wanted to become a priest. But he had to overcome his meager formal schooling, which inadequately prepared him for seminary studies.

His failure to comprehend Latin lectures forced him to discontinue. But his vision of being a priest urged him to seek private tutoring. After a lengthy battle with the books, John was ordained.

Situations calling for “impossible” deeds followed him everywhere. As pastor of the parish at Ars, John encountered people who were indifferent and quite comfortable with their style of living. His vision led him through severe fasts and short nights of sleep.

With Catherine Lassagne and Benedicta Lardet, he established La Providence, a home for girls. Only a man of vision could have such trust that God would provide for the spiritual and material needs of all those who came to make La Providence their home.

His work as a confessor is John Vianney’s most remarkable accomplishment. In the winter months he was to spend 11 to 12 hours daily reconciling people with God. In the summer months this time was increased to 16 hours. Unless a man was dedicated to his vision of a priestly vocation, he could not have endured this giving of self day after day.

Many people look forward to retirement and taking it easy, doing the things they always wanted to do but never had the time. But John Vianney had no thoughts of retirement. As his fame spread, more hours were consumed in serving God’s people. Even the few hours he would allow himself for sleep were disturbed frequently by the devil.

Who, but a man with vision, could keep going with ever-increasing strength? In 1929, Pope Pius XI named him the patron of parish priests worldwide.


Indifference toward religion, coupled with a love for material comfort, seem to be common signs of our times. A person from another planet observing us would not likely judge us to be pilgrim people, on our way to somewhere else. John Vianney on the other hand, was a man on a journey, with his goal before him at all times.

Saint John Vianney is the Patron Saint of:

Diocesan Priests
Parish Priests

(Source of and Credit for: fransiscanmedia.org/reading by Shanti Emma-Kuta-Bali)

DAILY READINGSMemorial of Saint John Vianney, Priest

Lectionary: 409

Reading I

Nm 13:1-2, 25–14:1, 26a-29a, 34-35

The LORD said to Moses [in the desert of Paran,]

“Send men to reconnoiter the land of Canaan,

which I am giving the children of Israel.

You shall send one man from each ancestral tribe,

all of them princes.”

After reconnoitering the land for forty days they returned,

met Moses and Aaron and the whole congregation of the children of Israel

in the desert of Paran at Kadesh,

made a report to them all,

and showed the fruit of the country

to the whole congregation.

They told Moses:  “We went into the land to which you sent us.

It does indeed flow with milk and honey, and here is its fruit.

However, the people who are living in the land are fierce,

and the towns are fortified and very strong.

Besides, we saw descendants of the Anakim there.

Amalekites live in the region of the Negeb;

Hittites, Jebusites, and Amorites dwell in the highlands,

and Canaanites along the seacoast and the banks of the Jordan.”

Caleb, however, to quiet the people toward Moses, said,

“We ought to go up and seize the land, for we can certainly do so.”

But the men who had gone up with him said,

“We cannot attack these people; they are too strong for us.”

So they spread discouraging reports among the children of Israel

about the land they had scouted, saying,

“The land that we explored is a country that consumes its inhabitants.

And all the people we saw there are huge, veritable giants

(the Anakim were a race of giants);

we felt like mere grasshoppers, and so we must have seemed to them.”

At this, the whole community broke out with loud cries,

and even in the night the people wailed.

The LORD said to Moses and Aaron:

“How long will this wicked assembly grumble against me?

I have heard the grumblings of the children of Israel against me.

Tell them: By my life, says the LORD,

I will do to you just what I have heard you say.

Here in the desert shall your dead bodies fall.

Forty days you spent in scouting the land;

forty years shall you suffer for your crimes:

one year for each day.

Thus you will realize what it means to oppose me.

I, the LORD, have sworn to do this

to all this wicked assembly that conspired against me: 

here in the desert they shall die to the last man.”

Responsorial Psalm

106:6-7ab, 13-14, 21-22, 23

R.    (4a)  Remember us, O Lord, as you favor your people.

We have sinned, we and our fathers;

    we have committed crimes; we have done wrong.

Our fathers in Egypt

    considered not your wonders.

R.    Remember us, O Lord, as you favor your people.

But soon they forgot his works;

    they waited not for his counsel.

They gave way to craving in the desert

    and tempted God in the wilderness.

R.    Remember us, O Lord, as you favor your people.

They forgot the God who had saved them,

    who had done great deeds in Egypt,

Wondrous deeds in the land of Ham,

    terrible things at the Red Sea.

R.    Remember us, O Lord, as you favor your people.

Then he spoke of exterminating them,

    but Moses, his chosen one, 

Withstood him in the breach

    to turn back his destructive wrath.

R.    Remember us, O Lord, as you favor your people.


Lk 7:16

R. Alleluia, alleluia.

A great prophet has arisen in our midst

and God has visited his people.

R. Alleluia, alleluia.


Mt 15: 21-28

At that time Jesus withdrew to the region of Tyre and Sidon.

And behold, a Canaanite woman of that district came and called out,

“Have pity on me, Lord, Son of David!

My daughter is tormented by a demon.”

But he did not say a word in answer to her.

His disciples came and asked him,

“Send her away, for she keeps calling out after us.”

He said in reply,

“I was sent only to the lost sheep of the house of Israel.”

But the woman came and did him homage, saying, “Lord, help me.”

He said in reply,

“It is not right to take the food of the children

and throw it to the dogs.”

She said, “Please, Lord, for even the dogs eat the scraps

that fall from the table of their masters.”

Then Jesus said to her in reply,

“O woman, great is your faith!

Let it be done for you as you wish.”

And her daughter was healed from that hour.

(source of and Credit for: usccbdailyreadings.org/reader by Shanti Denpasar n Emma Kuta, and Yulita Jimbaran)

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